Catch 22 (me if you can)!

5 04 2009

Hmm.. I wanted both of them to be this post’s title. I even thought of double posting with two titles! Anyz.

Reading through this news article in the Gulf News set me thinking. An exit pass is when we are all returned our passports, then are required to get a signed piece of paper to show/submit everytime we cross the border, by land or air. I think that is worse-er than having to submit your passport! Atleast I can get my p-port from Company 47 once and travel 2-3 times before returning it, as long as I have my off-days! But with this exit permit, if we have a 10-day holiday, and I plan to travel to Oman-UAE-Oman-UAE-Oman, does that mean 2 exit passes? Who’s gonna get it signed from Company47 during the hols? What if my 2nd trip is *shudder* unplanned?

Such a travel is indeed a possibility. I recently bought a car from Dubai (before the prices hit rock-bottom, sadly). I then drove it here (went by bus 1st time), got it registered, parked it here and went back in my own car to spend the rest of my off days there. And all that with my pport with me!

SA and Qatar are using exit passes only because they are the 2 countries that are ‘left’ doing so. The others have moved on, progressed.

Another good read.

So in a nutshell, we want our passports to be free to travel and that results in us being even more trapped. And to avoid being even more trapped, we have to submit our passports.

Sigh! Where’s my red pill? Atleast no pport is required there.